Inspired by Stephanie Wood’s powerful memoir Fake, this drama follows Birdie Bell (Asher Keddie), a magazine features writer who thinks she’ 、s found her perfect match when she meets successful graz...
Devon Ke Dev...Mahadev is a Hindu spiritual television drama series which airs on Life OK channel. It premiered on 18 December, 2011 and showcases the story of Lord Shiva, also called as Mahadev Th...
Follows Raj Patel, who is an expert at math but is also secretly obsessed with his late father's dream of becoming a rap musician, and he almost loses everything in his attempt to achieve multip...
瑞恩(Ryan Slater 饰)的爸爸迈克尔(史蒂芬·朗 Stephen Lang 饰)在中国四川大熊猫保护区工作,从小,瑞恩就对爸爸的工作和神秘的熊猫充满了向往和憧憬。暑假来临,这一次,瑞恩终于有机会能够亲临迈克尔的工作场所,这让她感到格外兴奋 然而,瑞恩刚刚抵达目的地,保护区内便发生了一起偷猎事件,一只熊猫妈妈和它刚出生不久的宝宝遭到了偷猎分子的残忍迫害,顾不上儿子,迈克尔立刻赶往现场...