You have a great body You have a distinctive taste of fashion You have a marvelous beauty that cannot be copied
Your red smiling lips wave hands towards me Your catching eyes discharge “electricity” And your big curve hair is a tremendous charm to me
Hey, my dear porn star If I were a man Even I am a girl I still want to hold your hip, dancing with you to the end of night I can’t remember how many times you occur in my night or day dreams I feel ashamed of myself thinking of you Pity is that I can never reach the edge of you
Happy I feel whenever you show up on the screen So, I have tried my best to find out all movies you starring, despite their quality
Hey, my dear porn star Let me call you name “Doudou” Let me tell you the very truth with the most sincerity--- You are my forever goddess, our most lovely princess!
You have a distinctive taste of fashion
You have a marvelous beauty that cannot be copied
Your red smiling lips wave hands towards me
Your catching eyes discharge “electricity”
And your big curve hair is a tremendous charm to me
Hey, my dear porn star
If I were a man
Even I am a girl
I still want to hold your hip, dancing with you to the end of night
I can’t remember how many times you occur in my night or day dreams
I feel ashamed of myself thinking of you
Pity is that I can never reach the edge of you
Happy I feel whenever you show up on the screen
So, I have tried my best to find out all movies you starring, despite their quality
Hey, my dear porn star
Let me call you name “Doudou”
Let me tell you the very truth with the most sincerity---
You are my forever goddess, our most lovely princess!
邱淑贞在里面饰演的角色兼具性感和可爱,她的姨妈却把她当成了赚钱的工具。生气时候会喷火还有“好的不灵 坏的灵”真是两大法宝,对于一个弱女子也许只有超能力才能对抗电影中那样的恶势力。还揭示了某些神棍为了利益装神弄鬼。姨妈装病利用邱淑贞赚钱,打小人那段邱淑贞跟着姨妈说的时候,声音萌萌哒。明明不愿意却不得不为了帮姨妈治病筹钱的无奈。而里面的警察又被王晶导演黑化了一把,对方一开枪,警察立马跑路。邱淑贞饰演的不谙世事的少女让人心疼